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  1. Raichufan92

    UU defence team meaning stally

    I had never played UU I have always played OU but wanted a change of pace and to see a different variety of pokemon in a different metagame and to try something in a lower tier. So what I tried to accomplish was to make a stall team it has seems to be difficult and have ran into a couple of...
  2. Raichufan92

    First RMT for Smogon Peaked 1700

    This is my first RMT for smogon I know people here are probably the most experienced for rating teams so that is why I am posting my team here first. I use to battle competitively alot during Gen 4 and skipped Gen 5 due to the fact that I lost interest with being in college and such. The reason...
  3. Raichufan92

    Raichufan's Competitive Tradeshop

    Raichufan Competitive Tradeshop I have upgraded my trade shop I have added all new pokemon now have over 60+different species of pokemon to pick from and trade plus have over 50 5-6iv Shinies that I can trade as well. If you wish to make a trade just go through what I have and pick what you...
  4. Raichufan92

    OU Sun Blazers V2

    Well I made alot of changes to my previous team which caused it to suck so to speak so I started from scratch and hope for better results. So here is the version 2.0 and hope to have better results. So here it is, Ninetales@leftovers Drought EVS: 160Hp, 252SpA, 96Spe Timid nature Fire Blast...
  5. Raichufan92

    OU Sun Blazers team

    hey guys this is my first post so sorry if something is incorrect. Anyway I had battled online up until platinum had started then the dreamworld abilities had kicked in and before I realized the weather teams had dominated the OU tier and my way of battling was not working compared to these...