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  • If a Gholdengo suspect is held, the music video can’t not be “Money” by Pink Floyd
    Aqua Jet
    Aqua Jet
    Golden from Styles is my guess
    It hasn’t happened yet (or maybe ever) so this is still a possibility
    hey can you unalumn me and Felines 's badges
    RIGHTT like let's talk about it!
    I can’t, no. I can ask SS to if you’re serious though
    yes we arent being taken seriously in MWP because the entire community thinks we are washed :(
    whats the format for joining the teams for premiere leage? its my first time doing a tournament and I'm super confused on what I need to do?
    Hey there finch, just wondering about the differing requirements for suspects between OU and my home tier, Monotype: why are there certain brackets instead of a hard GXE cap and minimum game limit?
    no clue why Monotype does this, but OU adopted this last generation as it gave people optins. It still kept the firm 80 GXE minimum, but for those achieving higher marks, it required less minimum games
    Why is the voting closing at 10:59 PM instead of 11:59 PM?
    It’s very important that the verdict is decided prior to the SCL week going up and I have a job that requires me to be awake at around 6am weekday mornings. Getting the vote up at midnight to begin is challenging enough tbh
    We also haven’t had a vote actually hit the deadline in a longgggg time, so it shouldn’t really matter
    Hey quick question are there any measures in place to stop a qualified and motivated player from making a lot of alts and giving them out to vote on suspect tests? I know this sounds sus but I'm just genuinely curious >.<
    Hey Finch! Had a bit of an inquiry I wanted to posit without dragging the OU Forums further off topic- Are there any current plans for how Hazard Dynamic Voting will go? Like is it gonna be a Dhengo/Gliscor Numbers on Surveys deal, or do you think a unique approach needs to be taken as a whole? Just curious!
    for now, going to continue the status quo with them on surveys and discussion
    Thanks for the answer! Hopefully you and y'all's don't get bashed for whatever happens, thanks for the work as always :) !!
    If you post the tiering survey results then I will complete my 4 missing science assignments. :blobthumbsup:
    This is such a lame thing to go out of your way to say. I spend hours every week on the tier and already posted the important results in the metagame discussion thread.
    I’m also doing this as volunteer work entirely. I don’t owe the community anything like you may a class or whatever.
    Sorry bro, I was just joking
    I respect your work for this community and know that it is all volunteer work. You do great things for the player base and show great dedication :)
    So... round 2 lmao when do you wanna play for scl? GMT +1, can't really do saturday this week so would prefer either friday or sunday
    Man good victory, but remember I don't want to say to play with SOULDWIND, I say you play with honor if you play with that you will leverage your potential...and you are a tour player you must play for your pride.
    btw your post in metagame discussion seems to be broken it looks like the image isnt loading
    if its just my pc being weird then whoopsie
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