Smogon Forums

Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Im -5gmt and im flexible but pref 10-11pm my time
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
What about Monday night at 10am your time? It'd be Tuesday morning for me.
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
if you mean 10pm my time that works, ill be on like 10:10-10:15, the latest
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
That was what I meant! I'll see you in 2-3 days then:psyglad:
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Sounds good!
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Hey heads up I might be on a little later maybe 10:20 just a heads up
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
hey ready whenever you are chal paul robeson
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
you around sir?
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
Oh shoot I am, I just thought that we were scheduled to play now.
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
I'm really sorry for missing this :psygrump:
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
On Smogtours as Slowpoke Gachikoi if you're still up.
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
Sorry for using an illegal Pokemon in G2 - we'll have to play another match to decide the winner :psysad:. Are you free later on this week?
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Yes absolutely, damn i forgot about the challenge code this round lol
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
I forgot about it as well lol. I could play right now if you're free, but if you're not I would be available at the same time we played (tonight for you, tomorrow morning for me).
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
sorry was busy last 2 days but yea we can play same time tn that works for me
Slowpoke Fan
Slowpoke Fan
My bad for missing this, I should be free at the same time on Sunday (Saturday for you).
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
sounds good
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
I’ll be ready to play around like 10:40 the latest I hope that’s okay