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I must warn you, I've gained a lot of weight in the last 1 year
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
Don't worry. I already heard that your center of mass has shifted towards your butt leaving you no choice to sit 24/7.
That's true, my brain has shrunk and my butt has grown with the accumulated fats, but I'll work on reversing that!
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
I respect your effort for not trying to be a Kim Kardashian lookalike. In times like these we have to motivate each other by showing gratitude. Yes you may be fat, your brain has maybe shrunken too and I don't even wanna talk about your peepee... BUT... me disrespecting you like this is by no means wrong!
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
You have other talents that go beyond any normal standards. May my encouraging words take you higher where not even these Smogon players can seduce you with their Pokédollars.
I'll take the disrespect and encouragement that you have waved my way, and use them as fuel and motivation for achieving my goals expanding my brain and shrinking my butt. Thank you for your ruthless and powerful words, my dearest friend.
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
Rise SparksBlade. Yeah rise above everyone else and show them that you will peak the heavens. You don't need a motivational speech as you have already perfected your ultimate Pokéball throw that has even surpassed the speed of an african mountain ape clapping their own buttchecks.
Yes Lacus Ichinose, I'll make this my paramount focus and continue to persevere and progress on my way to the pinnacle of perfection. Never wavering from my path, never giving in to temptation and treacherous trickery. I shall apply my body and soul and push forward to my goals.
And when I'm there I will remember you, my friend, for being the one voice of reason in my life, and for believing in me when I had become a buttbrain.

Thanks for the demonstration of african mountain ape clapping their own buttcheeks, I'm grateful that you didn't let societal views prevent you from doing what was important for me.
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
Special person affecting rogue kids seeing bitches laying at dorm enthuastically = SparksBlade.
Is this what your inspirational name stands for? Is this why there have been peerless stories about the great deeds you have done for this society?
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
Overcoming the hurdle of throwing Pokéballs faster than an african mountain clapping their own buttcheeks may not enough as there is so much room for improvement. Maybe you should take it a step further and try to be even better. Using the horn of a Rhydon you shall impale the treacharous people on your wall. That might be a small step but definitely a right one.
Lacus Clyne
My name stands for nothing. It'll earn its meaning through the life that I live, and through the memories that I create. The african mountain ape may be one of the early hurdles, and may be one of the easier hurdles, but that does mean that it should be taken any more lightly than the final step. It is important to be respectful to the ape, for it is the ape that will show the next step forward.
While the use of force is necessary in life, it is important to understand the virtue of humility and forgiveness. Just like Rhydon is a powerful and mighty creature, and a hurdle and a step in my way towards my goals, I must not forget that Luvdisc too is a gentle and pure creature, and draw from it a calm that is necessary for my being.
But you, my friend, should not lose focus from your own fate. May you destroy the hoes that lay in your path and Rhydon deez bags of ca$h money when life gives you lemons. I pray for the balance of ying, yang, and yeet within your soul, and that you always remain in the business of wokeception. And never let the world forget - they can always catch your hands.
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
Proceeding with caution, stained with fat from A5 wagyu beef, sprinkled by a fountain of Luvdisc's Hydropump, jacked with Armins Supreme clothes and to top of it off you are also eating at the finest restaurants serving magnificent cuisine de la cow. That is you! My friend, my idol, my inspiration... words cannot describe the mass of greatness that has accumulated throughout these years.
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
Having you pave my way to success is such an honor that you shall receive these words: "HOYAAAAAAAA".
Lacus Clyne
Lacus Clyne
You might be wondering what these words stand for but shall know that they hold a deeper meaning. So deep that I can't even fathom the power it actually holds. Barely withstanding the force is already a task on its own but I managed to pull through. It seems like I am on top of my game and this is all thanks to you. You have my gratitude my friend.
I'm so fat I'm causing causing tidal waves and warping space around me.