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Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
i dont think that's needed for this, but definitely feel free to hit me up now or in the future for anything related
I'll just say that I'd rather move past anything RSE-related. That thread has had a lot of controversy in it and I've been rather critical in it, especially relating to you, and though I considered it necessary I'd rather not have to make le epic callout posts y'know.
It's just a whole lot of shit I'd rather not dwell on now that it's more or less over. As for the policy thread I'll say that while I think Xator fucked up in a few areas I think his methods have some value, if not as direct as a regular test does.
Also it feels less like a policy discussion and more like just defending / shitting on one user at this point since he's really the only one doing it, as far as I've seen. In any case I believe x items are far more toxic to lists and will die on that hill. And ur right the character limit sucks ass lmao
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
totally agree on x items, i've been against them since day 1. as regards rse thread i didnt agree with a lot of your posts but i didnt find anything unreasonable or anything that gave me a negative impression of you, no problem disagreeing on outcome while valuing each other's opinion. which was the difference with xator,
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
i thought his methodology and posts and especially the forceful way he asserted that he was correct was completely unreasonable. there were a couple of other people who pushed the same idea in the past, longfellow for example, just none to quite the same degree
Heard about longfellow but never saw him do it which is why I didn't mention it. It's safe to say that he really isn't a factor in the discussion however, it's been pretty focused on xator.
As for conduct I'd have to look at Xator's posts further but, no offense, you can be pretty forceful yourself. That whole Grimer vs Gulpin debacle stands out in my mind. If Xator was being an asshole tho I wouldn't be for that, no point in getting overly pissed arguing about children's games
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
none taken, i'm well aware. try to keep things mellow most of the time. protective of the rse thread in particular is all, hard not to be when you've run nearly every mon on the list
But if that's the case why is it bad that Xator was being forceful? Perhaps he's just protective of his tests.
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
"the forceful way he asserted that he was correct"
not that the was being forceful itself, what that forcefulness was related to, even after being told his way wasnt the best way to go
I'm not sure I understand the difference, surely anytime someone gets forceful they believe they're correct, is it bad in this case just because you told him he was wrong?
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
you seem to be asserting some motives about me that aren't the case and are focused on the word forceful, which should not be your focus. people can be forceful about many things for many reasons, in this particular case the issue is the "unreasonableness", not the "forcefulness", the forcefulness is what takes the unreasonableness into unpleasant territory
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
which is to say people didn't attack his posts for no reason, he came into a thread and disregarded the words of the multiple people who told him his tests weren't good and continued to assert that they were. this isn't damning in and of itself, see aegon the unlikely's unlikely avoidance of a ban, but in Xator's case there was no acknowledgement of the negative (cont)
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
aspects of his testing, only his continued assertions that running something at a severe level disadvantage was somehow an acceptable test, in spite of the people telling him otherwise and in spite of the disconnect from the reality of how we expect the average person using the list to benefit from it. He was arguing for abstract advantages in situations that (cont)
Texas Cloverleaf
Texas Cloverleaf
shouldn't have existed in the first place, and touted them as correct nonetheless. It has nothing to do with me, I made a point to avoid interacting with his posts after the first time, everything to do with him walking into a bar and trying to lay down a new law without understanding why the original one came to be in the first place, and of course targeting two mons I had championed didnt help my opinion of him
I see what you mean. Since I've had time to skim through Xator's posts, I disagree with either accusation, he wasn't being forceful or unreasonable. He responded to posts calmly and without resorting to anger or pettiness. He used evidence and logic and defended his position well. Only thing I see as potentially being unreasonable is the method of testing itself, which we've made our opinions on that clear.
and tbh I think you feel that way about for exactly what you just said: Ralts and Chinchou are two mons you personally like a lot and so you're very quick to cover for them. A pattern I noticed during RSE was that anytime someone questioned Ralts' current placement you were always one of if not the first to jump to defend it.
It felt like gatekeeping a lot of the time, like any dissenting opinion had to get through Texas Cloverleaf first. Sorry to get personal again, but that's how I feel. I think you're just biased in favor of those mons and struggle to hear the other side.