Smogon Forums

Upon learning of our magnificent pairing, I have been thusly instructed to request and obtain the time when perhaps you might be best able to, during the upcoming week and in what is undoubtedly already an overfull span in your calendar, portion out a propitious space for me, your humble opponent, and the sport in which we will both endeavor to claim victory. By all means, my respected opponent: do undoubtedly “lmk.”
(As an aside, good Sir, Madam, or Gendernonconforming Honored Person: please forgive what must appear something of an overbearing request for such communiqué. Perhaps you are aware that I have had an unlucky allowance of inadvertent and surely unintentional scheduling mishaps; truly it must needs be recognized that I have been prey to an aggravate experience when attempting to secure occasion for my various sorties.)
And so pray tell, my friendly fitzy72, whenabouts might indeed be that most favorable and untroubling hour when we might come together in boastful spirit and amicable rivalry, or even a period within which the same. In a gesture of collegial goodwill, it is my twin duty and pleasure to inform you that I reside in the timezone “GMT-5” and am best available for our virtual skirmish between 7 PM and 11 PM EST.
(Sun, Wed, Thur, Fri) Please respond at your convenience, but nevertheless likewise with the vim, verve, and due modicum of haste as befits the dedicated, illustrious, and altogether hotblooded nature of our present and conclusive championship bout. With an eagerness to meet on the battlefield superseded only by my deep respect for you, I remain, most loyally, your happy friend and obedient servant, Glop
Is there any earlier you can do, possibly on the weekend? I'm +0 and i'd prefer not to play at midnight