Smogon Forums

Chou Toshio
Chou Toshio
:D Do what I can :D
a fairy
a fairy
If there's so e secret discussion about the project, especially making it a reality, I know this retired moderator who might be interested in contributing a bit on an elevated level. :)
Chou Toshio
Chou Toshio
Welcome all contributions~ and anyone with the hacking skills to potentially make it in some shape or form is welcome to PM me (or just do it if not interested in talking to others also interested in hacking it)
a fairy
a fairy
Sadly I have no experience in that. I'll stick to getting my posts deleted because I responded to off topic stuff :P
Chou Toshio
Chou Toshio
Don't worry, I know you're not the offender-- just trying to keep discussion on track.
a fairy
a fairy
I know how it is.