Not A Bug Bug Report - Mechanics

What type of bug are you reporting? Mechanics

What is the bug?
[Gen 9] VGC 2024 Reg F - An encored prankster mon was able to hit my dark type with a status move

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
I have the replay here to check:

On the first turn Whimsicott was unable to Fake Tears my Sableye, since it is a dark type - which is correct. My sableeye locks it into Fake Tears with Encore but, when encored, the Whimsicott was able to hit my sableeye with fake tears. I don't know if it should work like that.
Encore changes the selected move after Prankster decides whether or not to boost it, so in this case I assume an attack had been selected, Prankster didn't trigger, then Encore changed the move, so it executed without the Prankster boost. Note that if Whimsicott stays in it will be forced to select Fake Tears again at which point the Dark immunity to Prankster takes effect again.

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