Recent content by pichuman

  1. Team of mighty justice

    24 hour bump, oh and Legacy Raider thx a lot wit ur help, if i wasnt to busy i would use some of those ideas, so thx i like them a lot, if anyone else has any kind of help or input i would like to hear it:)
  2. Team of mighty justice

    to start it off, thank you for looking at my rmt, and i am here to get the opinions of many on my team, so far it seems like a decent well balanced team, i am just curious how to make it better and what changes might be good to help, thanks in advance The Members @ Occa Berry Nature...
  3. Holy Picasso, Batman, an RMT!

    when lookin at this team it looks like u might be heatran week since u have three pokes weak to fire, and if its scarfed it can probably do major damage to ur whole team. so u may want to look into a counter since it is the most used pokemon right now.
  4. Pichuman Goes Platinum

    ok so lots of good advice. i like the vaporeon idea for sure and switching azelf to be the lead. so i am going to make som more major changes and see where it goes from there. Also thx to all of the people who are giving me advice, i love hearing it as it shows what i need improvement on. so...
  5. Pichuman Goes Platinum

    ^ if u dont mind me askin how? Salamence, Depending but heatran, and azelf can safely switch in and kill mix ape.
  6. Pichuman Goes Platinum

    ^ oh shit. i meant night Slash on weavile. my bad. and i really liked ur suggestions, they were really good. so i am going to edit my team now. oh and for lucario u sayin i should use life orb?
  7. Pichuman Goes Platinum

    Hello everyone and welcome to my rmt. i am tryin to adjust to the platinum changes and i need a lot of advice cuz i am not the best at makin teams. so any help is appreciated. Edits in Bold!! Team At A Glance So now that we have a quick look at this team lets go into details @ Life Orb...
  8. RMT - Platinum Metagame

    why u need so much sp. attk evs on tyranitar?
  9. Apprentice Program - Round Thirty One

    Assigned to Calciphoce Shoddy Battle nick:pichuman Age:16 Time zone:idk which one. i live in California, in the U.S. Regular Online Hours (Eastern only!):I am on usually at like eight to eleven or later Do you want to play in the tournament: yes or no? more than anything Experience...
  10. Rate Pichumans Team :)

    sorry to bump but this has been up here and had over fifty views. so anyone that would like to help, that would be great
  11. Rate Pichumans Team :)

    So this is a team ive been using for a while and its very effective. so if anyone has any changes i'd love to hear them:) so anyways TEAM AT A GLANCE: @ Choice Scarf Nature: Timid Ability: Levitate Evs: 252 speed, 252 sp. attack, 4 hp Hypnosis Focus Blast Shadow Ball Thunderbolt This is my...
  12. WiFi. Again.

    u do know that bronzong cant have sychronize as an ability right? y not go wit levitate instead
  13. Plz help my new team out

    Just so everyone know i just edited a lot of stuff. And would like a quick update on how my team is looking. thank you :)
  14. Plz help my new team out

    ok so first im going to start off with saying i am new to super competively battling. So i dont want any mean comments saying im a noob and stuff like that. I just want to hear some nice non mean comments about how to make my team better. Not how much it sucks. thank u anyways Team At A Glance...