Recent content by NivMizzet

  1. Issue #18 Released!

    Can someone please explain to me why the Salamence on the cover is pink? Its been bothering me cause shiny Salamences are green so I don't get it....
  2. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 7 - (Art Poll 1)

    SoIheardyoulikeSENTRET Cartoons!
  3. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 7 - Art Poll 3

    I LOVE YOU CARTOONS!! That sea pixie thing is amazing. That supporting material just shows the range of moves that pixie can use, just like those other fairies-things like Clefable and Blissey. And it gonna have magic guard like Clefable and high HP like Blissey too. What a coincidence.... And...
  4. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 7 - Art Poll 1

    Cartoons! CyzirVisheen Darkmattr Yilx
  5. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    Cartoons, I'm in love with your sea pixie. I wanted to submit something for this that wasn't just a sea animal with lighting coming out of it but you beat me to the punch. Your animation thing is really cool too. Fits the Utility Counter idea perfectly.
  6. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 3 - Secondary Typing Poll 1

    I agree with Urza. Wheres the no secondary type!?
  7. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Main Typing Discussion

    I think SR resistance comes up too often in CAP and going for a type just because it resists SR isn't very logical. I understand that is is a huge part of the metagame but a lot of people going for fighting have this as a point of consideration. Same with pursuit, as long as it isn't weak to...