Recent content by Nilloc_Collin

  1. Team NDMPL II: Player Signups [Auction June 26th @ 2:30 -4]

    Name:Nilloc_Collin Metagames Played: NDM Timezone: -3 Potential Activity Issues:every day i get ofline about 16 hours
  2. Tournament LCPL XI: Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction June 17th @ 11 AM GMT -4]

    Username: Nilloc_Collin Timezone: UTC-3 Tiers played: SSLC,XYLC and SMLC Significant Inactivity: In the next two weeks I have classes from 7am to 12pm. And Thursday from 2pm to 3 pm I have test. Friday, me and my family set up the house. Besides, I sleep about 10 hours