Recent content by mournLoL

  1. Accidentally Pink.

    I can't tell if you're actually saying "scrap it and move on" or these suggestions are genuine. Either way, I'll try implementing them because they're good ideas. (Also, @mods: Chill back for a bit; let me lengthen the descriptions. I was very tired when I wrote this and went to bed immediately...
  2. Accidentally Pink.

    This is my team, pinkMAYNE. I didn't mean for it to be totally pink and purple, it just happened. Anyway, it's really bad and I know it (slightly less than a 1:1 win ratio so far); however, I'm not sure how to fix it. This may be due to the fact that I've just gotten back into competitive...
  3. Which One's Pink?

    Yeah, I actually have hit a Porygon-Z before. Actually, a couple of them. As I recall, I dispatched them fairly easily with either Gengar or Scizor. If I hadn't had two fighting moves on my team, it may have done some serious damage. ;D EDIT So I've sort of mixed everyone's suggestions and my...
  4. Which One's Pink?

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while-- I'm in the process of mixing and matching and playtesting your suggestions. Will post back with results tonight or tomorrow. :D
  5. Which One's Pink?

    Thanks a bazillion for the help, guys! :D Duly noted, and upon further inspection of the team, Weavile and Gengar are looking less and less like they fit in. Aha! Excellent suggestions; I will most definitely be using both of them. I actually had that particular Scizor on my team at one...
  6. The Growth of Competitive Pokemon

    FPS Games? D: CS1.6, CSS, COD4, BF2? DoTA? There are many genres and myriad games that have a legit competitive scene.
  7. Which One's Pink?

    A foreword: a name of a PKMN in bold face denotes that it has been chosen over an already-existing PKMN and the team has been changed. A move in bold face denotes that a move in that monster's moveset has been changed, and the same goes for hold items, EVs, IVs, and the like. --- Right. Well...
  8. The Growth of Competitive Pokemon

    As a former competitive COD4 player, I can say with certainty that any type of commentating on matches is extremely beneficial to the competitive community. In fact, exactly two great things happen in conjunction with analysis/spectation. Firstly, it acts as glue for the already-existing...
  9. Nuzlocke Challenge

    Every time I read through this thread I just marvel at how skilled/dedicated/good at planning/patient everyone who takes the Nuzlocke challenge is. I'd do it, but it just seems so easy to fuck up one time and completely wreck your game. I'd get frustrated and quit after my first pokemon died. :'<
  10. The First Smogon Council - Salamence

    There are SO MANY STALL TEAMS. You've got to have a team full of wallbreakers to do much of anything against them...
  11. Smogon and Gamefreak...?

    I'd disagree with you, Quata, on your statement that Smogon essentially hooks players and causes them to go buy the game and a DS. My friends and I are very new to the competitive scene (as you can probably tell by my post count) and the case in everyone's situation has been that he/she bought...
  12. Crit clause?

    It would stop the "BAWWW HAX 0/10" replies to war stories. There's a plus. :D
  13. vs. bbqmudkipz (03/25/2010)

    It was interesting enough. :) I enjoyed it, even if the Vaporeon stall did get a bit long. I'll withhold a rating out of ten because I loathe seeming elitist, plus I'm relatively new to the competitive scene.
  14. Nuzlocke Challenge

    This challenge seems like it would put me in serious physical pain. Do not want D: