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  • Hey there! Would you please hatch an egg for me? :D
    My IGN\FC: Rafael - 5215 - 0294 - 2242
    Thank you very much :)
    Sorry for the late reply, are you still looking to hatch that egg?
    Hi, I think you're about the only person on the whole internet with the TSV 2123 :'[ Can you please hatch my 5IV Eevee? If you could, I will be forever grateful!! My FC is: 4098-3463-1843 IGN: Victoria. :) Thank you so much!!!
    Hey, could you help me hatch an egg? I can give you a Pokemon with high IVs, if you like. c: My IG name is Dee. And my FC is 1676 5092 8757.
    4 or 5 IV Wish Eevee. I have a box full of them, so I was hoping to clean up some space lol
    Oops, sorry haha. Anyway, thanks!!! My SV is 1094, so just let me know if you have anything you need hatched.
    You're welcome, and ty :)
    Hello~ could u pls help me hatch an egg? Thank u in advance. I will give u chansey with 3 egg moves in return~ my FC is 0473-7813-7616. Ign victor. Thx again:D
    Gave you a Swinub with some egg moves; Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash and I believe 5IVs? Bad nature though lol
    You're welcome :)
    Thx hah~ my SV is 2045/2514. Hope can help u some day:D
    Hello I saw on the Trainer Shiny Values chart that your SV is 2123. I have a egg for you to hatch if you don't mind. I have already added you. My fc is 3454-1031-1163. I am available whenever you are.
    Hi there. I was wondering if I could get a Justified/Play Rough Absol from you.

    It doesn't need to have any perfect IVs or anything (though I wouldn't complain if it did).

    I'd be happy to try to come up with something you're looking for, just let me know what it might be.

    0345 - 0391 - 3217
    All my Pressure Absols are female, so you might have a tricky time getting Justified babies. You'd have to first breed the male Justified one you catch with the female Pressure. Then you'd have to breed one of your male babies with a female Justified one you catch.
    This way, the female Justified will take priority on the ability and pass it on, while Play Rough will have been passed on from the very start. Does this make sense? xD

    And what kind of Pokemon do you have to offer? If I can't find anything, I'll be happy with stuff like Power items or Weakness Policy ^^
    Ah, didn't realize they were all female. I'll just catch one and breed play rough onto it myself.

    Sorry for wasting your time.
    hey, saw that your shiny value was 2123, was wondering if you might be able to hatch an egg for me
    You don't have to, but I appreciate it either way ^_^
    its not much (cant even tell its shiny), but better than nothing i guess
    Thank you, I appreciate it :)
    Glad you got your shiny Heracross, that's awesome
    Hello, I wanted to know if you have any 5 IV Absols left to trade. I have a bunch of 5 IV Pokémon that I have breeding pairs for that I can offer (with Hidden Ability access where applicable).
    Froakie, Poliwag, Eevee, Scyther, Dratini, Murkrow (for Nasty Plot Togekiss), Ferroseed.
    Oh, yea. It's SLIGHTLY redundant, but my friend safari has Poliwhirls in it. -_-
    Looks great, thanks again. I'll also be breeding more Pokemon as well, so feel free to contact me again for future trades. At the moment I have spare Swinubs (with Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash bred onto them by Smeargle sketching Stealth Rock and Beartic learning Icicle Crash at level 37).
    I also have spare Timid Gengars, Modest Rotoms, and I think one Magikarp left with all IVs except in Special Attack, but Relaxed lol.
    Hey, I just saw your thread about giving away 5IV absols, you wouldn't happen to have any left would you? My FC/IGN is 1521-3685-4649/Paul. I can trade you a 4IV evee or a shiny gyarados from the friend safari.
    Sorry, this is a bit late but could you possibly trade a 5 perfect IV Absol if you have anything left. I really don't have anything to trade except maybe a shiny from chain-fishing.
    my FC is 4468-1806-3462
    I can check my others to see if I have another with Hp if you want. I have lots of Super Lucks xD
    no thanks, you've helped me enough
    All goods, enjoy ^^
    Could I possibly trade for a 5 perfect IV Absol? :]

    Female with Justified would be awesome, I can offer some "perfects" of my own. :D

    - Female, Jolly HA Shroomish (missing Sp.Atk)
    - Male, Adamant Magikarp (missing Sp.Atk)
    - Modest Rotom (missing Def. & Sp.Atk)
    - Female, Brave Honedge (missing Speed)
    - Male, Jolly Sneasel (missing Sp.Def)
    - Female, Adamant Mawile (missing Sp.Atk)
    The Great Gastly
    The Great Gastly
    They look great, hope you make good use out of Sneasel and Mawile. :D

    I'll keep you added as well (I normally delete people... lol), you seem nice!
    The Great Gastly
    The Great Gastly
    well, I don't delete everyone I ever add, but usually 1 time trades I do. :O
    Thanks, I'll take good care of them ^^

    I appreciate the add too. Keep an eye out for a future trading thread I'll make for more of my breeding projects. At the moment all I have are Absols, Gastlys, and Magikarps, heh.
    Thanks for the trade!
    I'd love to battle you sometime! >=)
    You're welcome, and thank you as well!

    Sure, we can battle sometime. I'm almost done getting a full team of IV'd and properly trained Pokemon, so hopefully I won't end up having to use any of my in-game Pokemon whenever we battle xD
    I just finished farming my last BP Item xD (annoying as hell after losing at 51th cause of opponent setting Trick Room FUUU).

    w/e my team It's not what you call a flawless team but I think I trained them very well so I'm happy with it.
    Hit me back if you want an opponent to try out your team :P
    Ohh I can imagine how frustrating that must have been. I honestly haven't played the Battle Maison too much, as I've bee spending more time breeding than actually battling u.u

    But I'm hoping to test out my team (s) more once I have a more Pokemon ready to go. And thanks for the offer... feel free to hit me up if you need to test out your team as well :)
    Hey there, I read your post about giving out 5 IV Absols. I am really interested in one :) I hope you still have some left. i dunno what you would like in return for i haven't really done much breeding on my game but my friend code is 0430-8479-7203
    Here you go. Does the Absol look alright and everything?
    Perfect, thank you, is the Aerodactyl workable/okay?
    Yeah, Aerodactyl's fine, thank you :)
    And you're welcome
    Hey there, I read your post about giving out 5 IV Absols. I am really interested in them :) I hope you still have some left ^^. My FC: 5386-8023-3704.
    I can get online after work.
    I started off with the Dual Blades (I know, very original >.>). Though after that I started to turn towards gunning and bows which was a very different playstyle. And generally I am against the use of Kelbi Bow online. Offline it's fine imo.

    On another note. I've been breeding sooooooo many 5 IV Absols x,x I was like. It has to be a 1/31 chance to get a flawless Absol... Seems not like it ;/
    Dual blades looks pretty cool though... I should have tried it some more. As far as Kelbi bows go... the Dire Mirealis bow was pretty OP too if I remember correctly - people all loved to abuse it on that one 'glitch' vs Abyss. Lagiacrus (though I can't blame them in some ways, cause that thing had some materials which were stupidly hard to get).
    Yeah I spent 3 entire days breeding Absols and only got one flawless so far, so I can totally sympathize. The flawless one wasn't the nature I wanted either, on top of that :c
    Hi, I would love to get one of your Absols with Justified. I honestly don't have anything really to trade other than a bunch of Dittos, Piloswine, and Dragonairs. None of have been bred, just stocked up from the Friend Safari to breed later. Just beat the game not too long ago so yea.

    So if you can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
    My FC is 1822-0219-3659.
    Hey would you trade a 4 perfect IV one for a 4 IV magicarp? My code is 1392-4685-2428
    Thanks for the trade!
    Huh that's weird, you're considered an acquaintance instead of a friend, even though we have each other added lol
    Thanks too, and you're welcome :)
    hey do you have any absols left 4785-5497-0794
    Yep, but only Justified and Pressure ones at the moment. What are your offers? :)
    5 perfect iv fletchling without gale wings though
    Is it male or female? Cause if it's male, I'll take it. The female one takes priority on the ability, so I wouldn't be able to get Gale Wings with it :/
    Hey there, feeling a little opportunistic but since I've seen your post in the absol thread, and I was about to get into a breeding session for them, I thought of asking if you had a spare female one. Thanks in advance
    All goods, I didn't realize you said elemental fangs until I glanced at it again. Adding you now, my in-game name is Mocha (:

    Once you get the Absol, check to make sure everything looks alright.
    It's perfect, thank you so much, have a good day, and let me know if anything is wrong with Tyrunt! :)
    Looks fine to me, and thank you. You're welcome :)
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