Recent content by melondonkey

  1. Implementing MCTS for PS

    Yeah, I wouldn't expect it to work out of the box with the same NN architectures, but I think the key insight of self-play combined with deep learning will be the only possible path to a world-champion Pokemon AI. Can't find the link now but pretty sure David Silver said in his Deep RL course...
  2. Any Python/R CLI wrappers out there for Showdown simulator?

    Nevermind, just had to dig a little deeper on this forum. Looks like poke-env and pmariglia bot is what I need
  3. Looking for math people

    Math's aight. I have a blog about math and Pokemon:
  4. Any Python/R CLI wrappers out there for Showdown simulator?

    I'm working on a project in which I'll need to simulate tons of games between bots and am going to need to write some tools to interact with the simulator CLI. Before I do that I wanted to see if anyone had any repos or previous projects that already did that though. Preferably in python but...
  5. Implementing MCTS for PS

    If you're looking into MCTS then a better route might be a self-play model using deep reinforcement learning (an architecture similar to AlphaGo Zero). These models do not require any historical play data and outperform historical data models over time. The showdown simulator conmmand-line...
  6. Programming Pokemon Team Typechart

    I couldn't understand what to input. Is it supposed to be a paste link or team text or what? Couldn't get either to work
  7. Where is format data?

    Thank you! Yeah, the usage data is perfect for what I'm doing; I should have thought of that earlier.
  8. Where is format data?

    I've been exploring the directory to do some data analysis. However, there's one piece I'm missing which is the mon list for each format. I'm most interested in VGC but others would be nice as well. Is there a data file somewhere that defines which mons are legal...
  9. Analytic: An R Shiny application for replay parsing and insights

    I run an R blog mainly for VGC and worked with a player to provide insights based on parsing replay files. You can read more about that here: I've been working on automating this type of analysis so any...
  10. (Data mining) Large database for player-created teams?

    I built a parser from replay data in R and ran a team clustering algorithm on it. Most of the info is in my blog: Clustering: Parsing (click "hide" buttons to reveal code)...