Recent content by limited-access

  1. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    sorry not really interested in those atm uhh I suppose if you could breed up one of those female gligars. I would prefer a female bulbasaur in calm but those are kinda hard to get so I'll trade for a gligar
  2. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    I don't really need any of those atm thanks but I already bred them up in timid. If you breed em in a cool ball tho I'd trade as for exploud his typing and kit don't seem that great to me atm. I mean he only got his sp.d boosted alittle
  3. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    not a female for sure sorry. I think whismur is mostly for passing on the fang moves
  4. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    thanks for the trade everything good on your end?
  5. thank you

    thank you
  6. okay lets trade

    okay lets trade
  7. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    because your are italian I am interested looks like you got a deino already but I'll trade for the female swinub I'll trade one of em for a female litwick I have but I'm not interested in spitbacks or really torchics for that matter to be honest I already bred charmanders but if it's a male...
  8. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    no thanks got one aleady got that too sorry I'll trade for one of the timid eevee's since I can start breeding timid natures don't really have anything I need atm thanks anyway still good for a trade? I'll trade for a fennikin
  9. Limited-Access 6 Gen trade shop! Updated* Now with DD/outrage charmander +restock shellder

    sorry missed that part. I'll trade for a female adaptibility corphish. but you'll have to wait till I rebreed some stock