Recent content by krangune

  1. krangune

    Tournament VGC Swiss Tour - Round 7

    I'm gonna drop sadly, note that my opponent zaydwithyomom hasn't contacted me this week anyway though
  2. krangune

    im online as krangune

    im online as krangune
  3. krangune

    yeah that works for me

    yeah that works for me
  4. krangune

    Im gmt+1 looking at your match last week would 9pm my time (4pm yours) work again for you...

    Im gmt+1 looking at your match last week would 9pm my time (4pm yours) work again for you tomorrow (wednesday 27th)? I can go a bit later that day if you prefer?
  5. krangune

    I'm online from now, username is krangune♥

    I'm online from now, username is krangune♥
  6. krangune

    Yeah that works for me! see you there

    Yeah that works for me! see you there
  7. krangune

    would tomorrow (wednesday 20th) work say 7pm your time? if not im free pretty much any time...

    would tomorrow (wednesday 20th) work say 7pm your time? if not im free pretty much any time except the weekend
  8. krangune

    Tournament VGC Swiss Tour - Round 4

    krangune 2 win vs drud 1 Game 1 Drud win Game 2 krangune win Game 3 krangune win
  9. krangune

    im on now, username is krangune♥

    im on now, username is krangune♥
  10. krangune

    its a bit of an awkward day for me but yeah can do i did say pretty much anytime

    its a bit of an awkward day for me but yeah can do i did say pretty much anytime
  11. krangune

    Hi Drud, pairings for vgc have been rearranged so im your new opponent, I'm free pretty much any...

    Hi Drud, pairings for vgc have been rearranged so im your new opponent, I'm free pretty much any time this week and am at GMT+1
  12. krangune

    Tournament VGC Swiss Tour - Round 3 (Accepting Subs at 0-2)

    win 2 krangune vs EatFoods 1 loss game 1: eatfoods win game 2: krangune win game 3:
  13. krangune

    im around too one sec username krangune

    im around too one sec username krangune
  14. krangune

    Heyo! Would 8pm tomorrow wednesday the 6th of september work? I'm free pretty much any time so...

    Heyo! Would 8pm tomorrow wednesday the 6th of september work? I'm free pretty much any time so feel free to go for a different one
  15. krangune

    its saying youre offline rn for some reason?

    its saying youre offline rn for some reason?