Recent content by kacieisokay

  1. kacieisokay

    Social LGBTQIA+

    Okay, deleted my other posts and I'm just going to make one last post because I'd just like to say: I'm a big veteran LGBT person over here. I'm bisexual, I've been out for about 6 years now, and very openly so. I just want to make a few notes that I really hope the people on this forum see...
  2. kacieisokay

    Rejected New Rooms

    I said "happy pride" and got warned by a mod. If you all don't want LGBT people on your game that's fine just say it
  3. kacieisokay

    Rejected New Rooms

    You could make that argument about 90% of the rooms that people have. There's a health and fitness room? A room for people to talk about "Cosmopolitan", but having an LGBT topic room is absurd to you guys? This place makes absolutely no sense lmao
  4. kacieisokay

    Rejected New Rooms

    Can people stop being banned for talking about LGBT related topics then? There's no public room to discuss stuff like that and private rooms only work if you know a good amount of the player base and can invite people.
  5. kacieisokay

    Rejected New Rooms

    Make some new rooms for chatting please. Specifically Shitposting room and LGBT topics room. Thank you <3
  6. kacieisokay

    Rejected Better Account System. Or literally better system at all.

    I think a big problem is that banning and muting just happens SO OFTEN. Maybe they don't need an entirely new system, but better rules that don't end in constant bans. I saw at least three or four handed out in the lobby this morning lmao.
  7. kacieisokay

    Rejected Better Account System. Or literally better system at all.

    I live in a place with a shared wifi connection, which means that whenever anyone makes ANY kind of mistake, I get banned, because all that pokemon showdown does is IP bans. I have tried talking to staff, and they never offer any actual help other than "oh well you can't prove it wasn't you so...