Recent content by D34D_M4n14

  1. CAP 32 - Part 13 - Name Poll 3

  2. CAP 32 - Part 13 - Name Poll 2

    Hemogoblin Pumpadore
  3. CAP 32 - Art Poll 4

  4. CAP 32 - Art Poll 3

    BlorengeRhymes Quanyails BaffleTome
  5. CAP 32 - Art Poll 1

    Felis Licht BlorengeRhymes mark6870 Quanyails ausma Quotidian BobKingOfSeagulls BaffleTome Chillie T-Okay Pinesmoke
  6. CAP 32 - Part 9 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    viol and bass Wulfanator dex
  7. Tournament CAP Ladder Tournament III - Round 3

    I lost Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Crits are annoying
  8. Tournament CAP Ladder Tournament III - Round 3

    Forum Name: D34D_M4n14 Cycle 1 alt: CLT31PIR Specsdoom
  9. CAP 32 - Part 5 - Primary Ability Poll 2

    Levitate Pixilate
  10. CAP 32 - Part 5 - Primary Ability Poll

    Prankster Sharpness Levitate
  11. Alright, gonna finish up this overwatch game then challenge

    Alright, gonna finish up this overwatch game then challenge
  12. I forgot to check back until now, are you available in an hour?

    I forgot to check back until now, are you available in an hour?
  13. I should be able to do Friday as well, I think we're 6 hours apart so I'll check in at like 7...

    I should be able to do Friday as well, I think we're 6 hours apart so I'll check in at like 7 your time if that works