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  • Hey bro do you know when the tier changes will be displayed? And this month it'll be the huge shifts right? 3.41%?
    | 53 | Alakazam-Mega | 2.914% |
    | 61 | Gyarados-Mega | 2.551% |

    These should drop to BL. Shouldn't they?
    Gyarados-M is already listed as BL in the dex but not in the teambuilder while Alakazam-M is listed as a OU pokemon in both dex and teambuilder.
    I don't know why there aren't randbats usage stats any more, but the checks and counters information and viability ceilings could be useful for balancing more and less powerful sets, I think, so I'd like to see them come back if it's not too much trouble.
    They take too long to compute. Slow everything down. If I still computed stats for randbats, it would take forever.
    hey antar, sorry to bother you with this but i saw mega altaria dropped to UU this month even though it was only released in august. do you know if this the standard procedure? i ask because i held off unbanning mega stones in doubles uu because they hadn't been in dou for a full usage period bc i thought that was how it worked lol
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ideally I think it wouldn't have dropped. But ask the UU leaders.
    jsyk salamence and scolipede went to BL not to UU
    ok so u already knew this from me looking at your posting tab
    Hi, is there a readme for the usage stats or something? I've been trawling through threads and I still have a load of questions, but I don't want to spam someone with unnecessary questions.
    considering pu has already been delayed by a month, isn't it perhaps a possibility to collect usage stats mid-month and add those up to the june stats to roughly get a month's worth of usage stats with which pu can come into existence?
    the pu tier already has a bit of a legitimacy problem due to exclusion from major tournaments and this constant delay only adds to the feeling that smogon doesn't care about pu or its players even though it is an official tier
    Peef Rimgar
    I actually just came here to pitch this as well. NU Beta did collect stats from the 8th to the 23rd of June and since the 3rd of July, meaning theoretically we could have a full month of NU Beta stats in 9 days of collected stats if this is considered.
    I agree with this idea, but if mid-month stats are not possible is there anyway we can just use the incomplete stats? 20 days of stats to work on is not great, but it is not that much less than 30, and any Alpha meta is bound to be a mess anyway. PU at this point cares less about being totally accurate than just getting started. I know 1 month is not a long wait time but it is frustrating to the playerbase when you have to wait much longer than any other tier.
    Hey man can you give me the LC usage stats. I need them for the article I'm writing since the format makes it helpful. If its easier to do individual mons, all I need are Pancham, Magnemite, Mareanie and Foongus in Gen 7 LC. This isn't that pressing, but I would appreciate getting this in a timely matter. Thanks if you do, thanks if you don't.
    I was more looking for the June stats, as those seem to be May with the "2017-5"
    Stats are always a month behind. June stats won't be posted until beginning of July.
    Ok thanks
    Will you be running Ubers / LC / DOU stats?
    By request of TL only. So Ubers probably not (because there's no such thing as Ubers UU). I assume I'll be doing DOU/DUU. I have no idea what the Gen 7 LC community looks like.
    Well I'm not a TL any more so I can't officially request it but DUU does have a small following and we'd love the DOU stats regardless, so if it isn't too difficult we'd all appreciate it :D
    Hello, Antar. I'd just like to thank you for dedicating so much time to extracting the usage stats after all the trouble you've been facing. Keep up the great work.
    Honestly man thanks for all the work you do with stats and stuff we'd be lost in this world without you
    What are all the kinds of stats that you guys track? The only ones I know of are Pokemon usage stats for each format, item, ability, and move usage stats for each Pokemon for each format, and playstyle usage stats for each format. Are there any that I missed? Can you give me URLs for all the stats on
    Just poke around in the folder. It's all pretty self-explanatory.
    Thanks. I found everything I was looking for.
    idk if it would have an effect on your process, but the ps main servers have been insufferably slow the past two days. it takes over a minute for battles to load etc. could explain why it was taking a while for your stats
    Thanks for the info. I suspected as much.
    Hey, I just now recently found out who the guy behind our usage stats is :P Just wanted to say thanks a lot and keep up the awesome work, it's a massive help for everyone!
    I'd love it if you came back to YT for S/M LC / OU. Really miss your content!
    Thanks! It won't happen anytime soon, I'm afraid...
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