Recent content by AnimeAbsol

  1. Metagame NFE Metagame

    Congrats to our winner blinkboy!
  2. Metagame NFE Metagame

    I lost 1-0. Dang Haunter!!! But top 24 in first tourney is ok.
  3. Today at 5:30?

    Today at 5:30?
  4. Metagame NFE Metagame

    I beat Ivy!!! Gg.
  5. Metagame NFE Metagame

    did you post round 3 yet?
  6. Metagame NFE Metagame

    My round 2 opponent has not been on since the 17th of October... So I guess I'm getting the act win again. (Sighs)
  7. Metagame NFE Metagame

    Hi I'm AnimeAbsol a competitor. I contacted my opponent (terracespouse) on Wednesday and they have not responded. They have not been on since monday. Will I get the auto win? Thanks!