Recent content by alimdia

  1. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Thanks all for the great season. I hope I am able to get your votes.
  2. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    rad - I never allied with them in EIMM, only talked to them when I ally with shadoweh and rad happened to be her hydra partner pblade - ??? I don't even know them marth - they killed me in anon EIMM dle - ??? I... don't know them... whydon - lol whydon please come here and defend me. All we did...
  3. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Nah strategic element was : The way I see it, if it was a 4v1, a 3:1:1 split would be sufficient, why 2:2:1? (See how I exploited it in the final 5... an attempted 2:2:1 by Cel made it into a 2:3!) If it was a 3v2, there is no amount of vote split that can prevent a correct idol play. So at...
  4. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Exactly, you didn't care if I went home or not. You see why I was dodgy after that? We know you don't have to vote for someone to get them eliminated, so you just saying 'yea but I didn't vote you', I still think 'okay but you don't care if I go home' It was still a great move, just not for my...
  5. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Hi $pecies, At the final 6, I said that yes. It was mainly to lower my threat level. Keep in mind, this is before we knew about the F6 twist. Yes, I have done relatively no moves compared to players like you, Joe, Texas, Laurel. However, because you guys are such visible threats, that is also...
  6. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Probably the F5 greatest heist move. There was easily no reason I should have survived that vote without immunity. I know people shit on me for trying to protect Joe at F6, but Joe was an integral part of making this vote, since I couldn't directly tell Cel about the species 2:2:1 plan, whereas...
  7. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    And Laurel, you seem upset that I kept trying to get you out when you tried getting me out first :/
  8. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Actually I think species was going to tell me to change my vote to rad but I didn't wake up before the deadline. So technically it would never have tied even if laurel had voted for me.
  9. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Laurel, who are my 'existing EIMM' friends other than tbz - you thought I was aquilia for a solid half of the game when I wasn't?
  10. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Cel The reason you said there was always next time to vote alimdia out was because I wasn't the biggest fish to fry. There was always bigger fish to fry. That is called the meat shield strategy. Many people have used it in survivor. And when I no longer have shields, I still have an idol as a...
  11. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    My thoughts of what happens if alimdia is voted at F5 -Short answer: either Joe or Laurel is sitting at F2 right now, and they win. Most likely Joe is sitting here because of that F5 challenge. In particular, I know Laurel was really good at pokemon, but Joe likely still wins coding challenge...
  12. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Oops yeah, I didn't mean to imply that. I just meant I started doing more stuff come F6. If you have any questions, hit me up. At work but will slowly respond.
  13. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Hi bluedoom, did you mean I didn't do much after f6 even or?
  14. Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

    Lemme go learn Machiavelli hehe and we can play after work. I only wikipedia read the rule