The Street Fighter IV Thread!

@warthog: Yeah the cutscenes are a little wanting...but I guess that's a fighting game for you. I'm trying to learn balrog right now too, are you using any resources/video?
I finally can do his headbutt to ultra consistently now (I didn't know that you have to hold kick during his ultra to maintain the juggle lol), but I'm not sure how to utilise the turn punch in combos...
Played it on the 360 at my friend's place. It seemed a very solid and straightfoward game. I found some of the links to be kind of broken though, such as Ryu's cMP > cMP > cHK and Ken's sWP > sWP > cMK. It kinda felt like Garou with all the Focus attack canceling except with a much wider array of possibilities.

I felt too that supers will matter a lot less in this game. The Super meter is very large, doesn't fill with whiffed normals like it did in Third Strike and you only have one. More important than that, Focus cancels use two notches of Super meter and they play a big role in the games' most damaging combos. On the other hand, the Ultra meter fills automatically (when you're hit at least) so you should have it up sooner or later. Personally, I'd much rather throws EX Hadoukens and Shoryukens and Focus cancels here and there to deplete every little bit of my opponent's life meter I can all while waiting for my Metsu Hadouken to fill and finish them off than waiting forever to have a Shinku Hadouken ready which might not kill since I probably did less damage.

I mained Zangief and boy his SPD is nuts. NERVER EVER use a Tatsumaki Senpu/Zanku Kyaku on him unless it is garanteed to hit or you'll be promptly FABed to oblivion. Banishing Flat is disgustingly quick but it has not anti air priority so, if predicted, you are an easy jump in target. Flying Powerbomb has like 2 seconds of delay, for the love of God only use it from up close (when it becomes Atomic Suplex and does more damage). Overall Zangief is very good but not overwhelming. Please Capcom don't nerf him much in the next version. Pleeeease :(

Edit: serious Capcom don't do it, this is probably the first time you have made Zangief top tier, don't take away his candy. If you have to nerf someone, nerf Sagat. But only to A tier. A bad Sagat would be retarded.

Edit 2: forgot to share my impressions of Akuma. He's very solid too, air fireball is always good. His EX moves are totally redundant and unimpressive imo, except of course for the EX air fireball, which makes for an excellent pressure game. His Super is actually better than his Ultra for it has only 1 frame of startup, but I suppose he will have a hard time filling it if he keeps throwing EX air fireballs. Anyhoo, it is possible to combo his Ultra by a Focus Cancel dash in but it is really hard. Nevertheless, japs are known for doing sick things in versus so I do not doubt we'll see an Ultra Shun Goku Satsu combo comeback once every blue moon.
I got SF4 a while back and didn't notice this thread.

I main Gief he's nuts, he has the most health in the game and his moves do so much. Today i was online versus a Sakura, he was really great, i was about a quarter health and EX-Banishing Flat and SPD then the ultra, it was game from there.

Seth is ownage but the crappy health rectifies his power, he's still really good though i heard he's gonna be banned from tournies. Ryu is good as well Light shoryuken > Super
EX-Tatsumaki > Ultra
I only rented this, but I really enjoyed using El Fuerte. I love his actual character as well as his unique style.

I didn't delve into online though, so I can't really comment on the game competitively.
Eventhubs is pretty good, and this site too
It's got combo videos for some characters and some stuff about controlling space with the characters.
Of course if you really wanna get in-depth strategies, you can't really do better than the forums at
edit: @Yu-Ri-Oh and MagneZone, I freaking love Zangief too. So much to the point that when I'm facing a good Gief with a shoto, I get pretty apprehensive.
Poongko, the korean champ, plays a pretty mean Seth. Check out the combo at 5.02!!!
So much hadouken spam xD.

But onto seth, hes way to good i dont think capcom tried to make him balanced when they made SF4 i mean sonic boom is ownage and his sonic boom is a simple hadouken motion... seths SPD just annoys me he warps out spams sonic boom warps in and uses SPD. Have any of you actually versed a good seth online? i havent :p ive only actually versed one and he sucked lol.


That guys seth is badass i like the Shoryuken spinning kick thing.

EDIT: I lol'd at the end of the vid when the presenters were dressed as Chun-Li and Ryu XD
Well if you play Seth, the game balances it by giving him the lowest stamina in the game; 800 which is even lower than Akuma (850)! His stun rating is the lowest in the game too(750), and the damage of his moves are nothing like what the cpu inflicts upon you in arcade mode.
So while he really has the most tools out of any character in the game, his problem is similiar to Akuma, in that you really have to be at the top of your game, just one or two mistakes is enough to cost you your whole life bar. See: Ultimate Atomic Buster, Zangief.
I guess like Akuma, you're forced to play keepaway a lot because of your life, with exceptions like some sick players like Poongko, who normally plays a super aggressive ryu anyway..
I just unlocked Seth!

...and i was so disappointed. His SPD doesn't do as much damage as Zangiefs SPD and his health... i mean Akuma is a beast and his stamina rating is 850 while seths is 800. I love his shoryuken though, it hits three times, i also like his Sonic Boom, Guiles Sonic Boom was annoying as you had to charge it up but seths is just quarter-circle forward. The other annoying thing is that his Yoga Teleport doesn't work in the air :pirate:.
The results/videos for the Gamestop national and world tournament are in!

Justin Wong won the nationals.

The World finals featured Daigo (with some controversy), Iyo, the Japanese champ, Poongko the Korean champ, and Justin Wong.

I for one as a new Ryu player have been really anticipating the matchup of Daigo's Ryu vs the incredible pressure game of Poongko's Ryu.

Iyo (Dhalsim) defeats Poongko (Ryu) in the first match, 4-2 (best of 7)
Daigo (Ryu) defeats Poongko (Ryu) in the second match, 4-1
Justin Wong (Rufus) defeated Poongko (Ryu) in the third match, 4-3
Daigo (Ryu) defeats Iyo (Dhalsim) in the fourth match 4-3.
An absolutely incredible match.
Justin Wong (Rufus) defeats Iyo (Dhalsim) in the fifth match, 4-2.
And finally, Daigo (Ryu) defeats Justin Wong (Rufus) in the sixth and final match 4-0.

You guys can check out the videos on Some incredible matches. The Beast takes it, once again.

edit: Alternate vids:


I'm gonna bury you in the ground~
is a Contributor Alumnus
Does anyone using a 360 controller have issues with directional inputs? I play Cammy I'm having a load of trouble with dragon punch (I'd suppose kick in this case) and double quarter circle inputs. PS3 controller works fine whenever I'm able to use it, though.
What's the controversy, exactly?
Because Daigo didn't win the Japanese nationals, Iyo did. Thus, he's not really the Japanese champion per se, and you could question why he was even there. (It was supposed to be a battle of the national champions).
That said, they probably invited him knowing he would draw a crowd, and that he's consistently been number one in Japan since SF4 came out in terms of arcade battle points and win percentage. (Which is totally different from xbox live/ps3 battle points). Some might argue long-term consistency should be more important than a single day tournament, and some argue that he shouldn't have even been there.
In the end, he did win the event so I guess it might be moot.
This wasn't a world tournament, though, it was a few matches between the world's "top" players. People who say Daigo shouldn't have been there either don't like SF or they're just retarded.

Daigo vs Poongko? Come on, that shit was hyped the second Korean finals were posted. Justin vs Daigo? Again, we've been waiting for this since IV came out. Daigo vs Iyo produced one of the greatest matches in the history of the game, so yeah, to Hell with all of the haters.
Anyone on smogon have this for ps3 yet?
@Duckster: That's true it was more like a world exhibition rather than a actual tourney.
I guess Poongko may have gotten overhyped, but I personally wanted to see which playstyle would've come out on top. Anyway aren't marquee player matchups and the excitement that they generate exactly what's great about street fighter?
You're absolutely right about Daigo vs Iyo. An incredible match. What do you guys think about that absolutely psychic dragon punch with a sliver of lifebar left to hit the tip of Dhalsim's outstretched arm into a full screen lp super? So, so clutch.
I play on ps3 too.
My PS3 gamertag is ill_as_duck. Feel free to add me sometime for some matches, but be warned, I only know how to play a mediocre Akuma... if you can call it that.

I've also got STHD which I've yet to even try, and GGPO if anyone here does that.

Do you guys play on pad or stick, out of curiosity?
I guess location would matter somewhat? I've tried to play network matches here in Australia but I can never, ever get a decent connection. What about your network experiences over where you are?
I actually play on ps3 pad, and I desperately want to upgrade up to a stick. I suffer from a lack of cash though, as well as Mad Catz screwing up their production...
And I wonder if there is a point in getting a stick, if I am only a substandard player :(. Practising hard though!
My connection on the PS3 sucks in general, so I started hooking it up to an ethernect chord using my laptop. Problem solved. Anyway, I use the standard PS3 controller, though I use the d-pad instead of the analog stick. Only problem I've encountered is that I occasinally Hadoken when I mean to shoryuken, and vice-versa. Also, arcade sticks don't inherently make you a better player, you have to adjust to them.

Also, my psn is paranoid_hobo if anyone wants it.


Oh god yes.
Man, this game really is KEN fighter V. There are way too many shoto characters in this game and I'm fairly sure that Dan isn't exactly the worst character.
Dan's lowest on the tier list, though he still has a 50% chance of winning against 7 characters. Assuming the 2 players are equally skilled of course.
I finally at long freaking last got myself a fightstick, SE edition, and I went ahead and modded it with sanwa parts right away.
But... after getting to a decent level on pad, it's like starting at square one all over again. Say goodbye to FADC Ultras, and I find it oddly hard to do cancel into super combos which used to be really easy on pad. On the flip side, link combos immediately seem more intuitive, and after a week of practice I seem to be getting slightly somewhere back to my pad level, so overall I'm still very happy with it.
I'm still experimenting with some grips seen on SRK too, such as wineglass, hand on top etc. Not sure which I'm gonna stick with in the long term.
Back to practicing! (Between SF4 and my thesis, I don't have time for WiFi battling anymore :( )
We really should be discussing more SF4...

I came back from a trip to New York recently where I had the chance to visit Chinatown Faire. It was the middle of the afternoon, so the competition wasn't huge. The one 'celebrity player' I recognized was Manny; managed to beat his Fuerte, but he reverted to Blanka and trounced me soundly.

Relating to what you said, muttonhead, I'm halfway considering getting a stick myself, but simple techniques like using fa or even dashing seem harder to execute than on pad. As you said though, the piano style layout makes linking a breeze, and it's much easier to execute the Ultra (I play Vega).

It's been a few weeks since you posted, would you say you've gotten to the point now where you feel as confident on the stick as you would on the pad?
anyone else watching the DJWheat Devastation stream ( finals should be coming up fairly soon, some fucking crazy stuff has happened, it's awesome.
Man I watched that for about 18 hours collectively this weekend, it was so hype. I kinda wanted to see Justin Wong fall to Ed Ma or Choi, but whatever, he definitely deserved the win.

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