Search results

  1. Platinum God n1n1

    Lifestyle What canned foods do you cook or eat without cooking at all?

    Olives. Higher quality ones usually come in jars, but the cheap black olives that come in cans would be fine to eat directly from the can as a snack
  2. Platinum God n1n1

    Serious The Politics Thread

    See below, thats an example of what I am talking about. That is the type of problem our elected officials should focus on to improve quality of life, not spend 6 weeks and millions of dollars and diverted resources to as a way to inflict political damage on a presidential candidate. Directly to...
  3. Platinum God n1n1

    Serious The Politics Thread

    I'll be voting for Trump and none of this impacts my decision for the exact reasons you mentioned. This trail was a waste of resources for New York, all those tax payer funded resources such as extra cops for blocking off streets around Trump tower and the court house, prosucutors and the DA...
  4. Platinum God n1n1

    Lifestyle Recovery Milestones

    Over the past ~2 years I have consistently been drinking at least one or two alcoholic drinks at least 5 or 6 days out of the week, which I believe is way too unhealthy for me. Although I don't drink to the point of being drunk, usually just to enjoy and relax. But prior to the past couple of...
  5. Platinum God n1n1

    Serious The Politics Thread

    Insane. That guy put a tremendous amount of work into that post and it was nit picked apart by a group of people who all think the same. At least you could have edited his post and privately explained why. Nothing there was problematic at all to real world people.
  6. Platinum God n1n1

    Serious The Politics Thread

    Isreal has estimated that 14,000 deaths are Hamas fighters and 16,000 are civilians. Where do you get 10 to 15 : 1? Hamas run health ministery does not break out civilian death...
  7. Platinum God n1n1

    How fast are you at swimming

    When I was a kid I beat everyone in the pool that raced me. Then life guard then raced me and he kicked my butt. I was really tired after racing everyone already though so it would have been closer if I was fresh
  8. Platinum God n1n1

    Lifestyle The Mental Wellness Thread

    I bought a Whoop, waiting for it to arrive. I frequently get stressed at work and let little things bother me that build up and result in inpulsive decisions. I believe it is unfortunately my natural nueotic tendency. But as I have gotten older, through experience and thoughtful mentors I handle...
  9. Platinum God n1n1

    Social Quotes thread

    "Despite the constant negative press covfefe" - Donald Trump
  10. Platinum God n1n1

    [Insert Noun] Appreciation Thread

    Appreciate sphgetti for me Edit : lasagna as well
  11. Platinum God n1n1

    [FOR THE GIRLS] Think of a Gal.

    Gal that needs to take a bath
  12. Platinum God n1n1

    what’s firebot

    A firebot could refer to a robot designed for firefighting purposes. These robots are often equipped with sensors and tools to detect and combat fires in hazardous environments where it might be too dangerous for humans to enter. They can be remotely operated or autonomous.
  13. Platinum God n1n1

    Sports NBA Thread: 2023-2024 Season

    Or since Kobe. I say that because for like the first 8 or so years of lebrons career, Kobe was the #1 best player. I do think peak lebron was cavs but also I think Kobe accomplished more with less in the years that their careers overlapped My bets today
  14. Platinum God n1n1

    Only post in this thread if youre wasted

    I made a mistake
  15. Platinum God n1n1

    Think of a guy

    a guy who has been eating chocolate and drinking coffee because he thinks it will help him poop because he has been backed up
  16. Platinum God n1n1

    itt btfo libtards: Liberal Tears Edition

    liberals are ruining everything and firebot downfall was an inside job by ss
  17. Platinum God n1n1

    Social Smogon Users from North America!

    Me usa Here is a map with labels of the regions of North America. Some countries (USA, Mexico, Canada) and territories (Greenland) are so large the they are a region by themselves and have significant sub-regions (ie New England or the Yucatan peninsula) within them. The carribean islands...
  18. Platinum God n1n1

    Smogon Premier League XV - Commencement Thread

    No one care now that DOU is excluded. Have fun clicking stealth rocks and rapid spin for 300 turns in a row
  19. Platinum God n1n1

    Ask simple questions here! [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Do anyone have Showdown Cheat Codes? I'm hoping to unlock secret features