Tournament UUFPL IV - Chapter 7: Viva La Revolution!


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UUFPL IV: Rise of FPL-Kind
Hosted by BigFatMantis and Akeras


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Chapter 7: Viva la Revolution!
Chapter 7 Standings.png

It was a betrayal! A rebellion! The great overlord Lasagnator9000 has stirred the seeds of revolution across all of Dunder Youst! Many subfactions of nations and regions have risen up, challenging the authority of the League of 8 Major Nations!

:Torchic: Thorcic - Love and Thunder, has had a recent downturn in successfully appeasing its populace, and as a result the Kalos Liberation Squadron has risen from within, demanding that the region of "Kalos" be permitted to leave the Love and Thunder thresholds! To the west, :Gholdengo: The Free Cities of Paldea have taken over key locations within The Gholdengo Girls territory! Rising up from a deep crater within, their demands are simple - give us our land, or we will give you something you don't want.

:Azelf: Azelf's Workshop, spread across much of the map in various island territories, is having a hard time keeping it all together as the Alola Mola Master Blaster Bros have started capturing key island cities, including Rudolph's Rocker and Yeti Betty's Diner. They demand that half the islands in the Azelf territory be released to form the master Island region of Alola. :Flamigo: The Three Flamigos territory is having a similar dilemma, but there does appear to be any conflict. Rather, The Galarian Gents have written a strongly worded letter to the Flamigo leaders stating "Dearest Flamigos. We, the Galarian Gents, hereby claim your territory for our own region of Galar. Should you disagree, we will await a written response within 15 business meat pies. Cheerio." With such a frightening statement, it'd seem like the Flamigos were in a very bad spot.....

:Donphan: The Donphan's territory has recently been bombed by the Sinnoh Patriot Regime! This intense group of liberation fighters is demanding no less than the entire territory claimed by Donphan so that they may establish their region of Sinnoh! Donphan Behavior, behaving rather worrisomely, has all but rejected the absurd demands. :Empoleon: And as for the Sheist Islands and new Sheistland, it appears a new Emperor has arisen - Nobunaga of Ransei has declared the Sheist territory to be his. This one, though, isn't quite a revolution - it seems more to be a hostile takeover of sorts.

And finally, :Granbull: :Meganium: The lands of Fate/Granbull Order and Megania both appear to be in a state of turmoil. On the western end, Johto Journeyman, many of whom were original residents of the land taken over by the Order, are demanding that their land be released back to them so that they may form the region of Johto. And to the eastern end, the Kanto Banto Squad has pushed into much of Megania already, looking to actually re-acquire the land to form the great region of Kanto, one of the original settlements in all of Dunder Youst.

With revolution taking over all of the lands, how will the great nations finally fare? This is truly the final test in determining who, if any, can stand the test of time.

Chapter 7.... begin!

:sv/Granbull: vs :sv/Donphan:
Fate/Granbull Order (7) vs Donphan Behavior (5)
SV UU: Wadley v. Career Ended
SV UU: Geomancy v. zuzhouwawa
SVU UU: Quinn v. KM
Ubers UU: Frito v. Suzuya
SS UU: Fluore v. zS
SM UU: avarice v. Ampha
ORAS UU: Ainzcrad v. vivalospride
BW UU: Pak v. sanguine
DPP UU: TMM v. Corperate n
ADV UU: LBN v. TyCarter
GSC UU: Medeia v. BloodAce
RBY UU: Fc v. pac

:sv/Torchic: vs :sv/Empoleon:
Thorcic - Love and Thunder (7) vs Sheist Wars - The Empoleon Keks Back (3)
SV UU: haxlolo v. Seraphz
SV UU: HydreigonTheChild v. Azick
SVU UU: Nikebeamz v. BlackKnight_Gawain
Ubers UU: Rasche v. Askov
SS UU: JustFranco v. Leni
SM UU: Dorron v. Metallica126
ORAS UU: Hydronics v. passion
BW UU: Denial v. Mister McLovin
DPP UU: Banbadoro v. Le Don
ADV UU: innovamania v. mncmt
GSC UU: corvere v. Concept Everything
RBY UU: Tree69420 v. stunner047

:sv/Flamigo: vs :sv/Gholdengo:
The Three Flamigos (8) vs The Gholdengo Girls (4)
SV UU: sealoo v. Drud
SV UU: olivia v. dex
SVU UU: jawabarat v. Danny
Ubers UU: Imperial v. Mada
SS UU: Javi v. Liz Angeles
SM UU: Amukamara v. Beraldo
ORAS UU: yone v. Fathiryxi
BW UU: Rae v. Tack
DPP UU: ThatOneApple v. Easter Bliss
ADV UU: Mossy Sandwich v. DiannieRatson
GSC UU: Estarossa v. BeeOrSomething
RBY UU: NotVeryCake v. gastlies

:sv/Meganium: vs :sv/Azelf:
Shin Meganium Tensei (8) vs Azelf on the Shelf (2)
SV UU: Ciro napoli v. Colin
SV UU: autumn v. skimmythegod
SVU UU: Hurtadoo v. FFK
Ubers UU: SwordIsBored v. Baddy
SS UU: memedose46 v. RoyalReloaded
SM UU: spell v. Satanic Beast
ORAS UU: Lily v. Kaif
BW UU: Sabelette v. Potatochan
DPP UU: burstbean v. zioziotrip
ADV UU: Killintime v. ojr
GSC UU: Bouff v. mkizzy
RBY UU: Maris Bonibell v. SANKE CARP

:Exploud: UUFPL Chapter 7 Golden Age Quest: Do You Hear the People Sing! :Scream Tail:

Win a game on the UU ladder, against an 1100+ ELO player, where you only use Sound-based moves. You cannot use a single move that is not a Sound-based move. Enemy forfeits don't count as a win unless you KOd at least half their team prior to forfeit. Anyone in UUFPL can participate in this, starters or bench players or even managers and cheerleaders! (limit 1 point per person btw)
Fate/Granbull Order (0) vs Donphan Behavior (0)
SV UU: Wadley v. Career Ended
SV UU: Geomancy v. zuzhouwawa
SVU UU: Quinn v. KM
Ubers UU: Frito v. Suzuya
SS UU: Fluore v. zS
SM UU: avarice v. Ampha
ORAS UU: Ainzcrad v. vivalospride
BW UU: Pak v. Sanguine
DPP UU: TMM v. Corperate n
ADV UU: LBN v. TyCarter
GSC UU: Medeia v. BloodAce
RBY UU: Fc v. pac


Thorcic - Love and Thunder (0) vs Sheist Wars - The Empoleon Keks Back (0)
SV UU: haxlolo v. Seraphz
SV UU: HydreigonTheChild v. Azick
SVU UU: NikeBeamz v. BlackKnight_Gawain
Ubers UU: Rasche v. Askov
SS UU: JustFranco v. Leni
SM UU: Dorron v. Metallica126
ORAS UU: Hydronics v. passion
BW UU: Denial v. Mister McLovin
DPP UU: Banbadoro v. Le Don
ADV UU: innovamania v. mncmt
GSC UU: corvere v. Concept Everything
RBY UU: Tree69420 v. stunner047


The Three Flamigos (0) vs The Gholdengo Girls (0)
SV UU: sealoo v. Drud
SV UU: olivia v. dex
SVU UU: jawabarat v. Danny
Ubers UU: Imperial v. Mada
SS UU: Javi v. Liz Angeles
SM UU: Amukamara v. Beraldo
ORAS UU: yone v. Fathiryxi
BW UU: Rae v. Tack
DPP UU: ThatOneApple v. Easter Bliss
ADV UU: Mossy Sandwich v. DiannieRatson
GSC UU: Estarossa v. BeeOrSomething
RBY UU: NotVeryCake v. gastlies


Shin Meganium Tensei (0) vs Azelf on the Shelf (0)
SV UU: Ciro napoli v. Colin
SV UU: autumn v. skimmythegod
SVU UU: Hurtadoo v. FFK
Ubers UU: SwordIsBored v. Baddy
SS UU: memedose46 v. RoyalReloaded
SM UU: spell v. Satanic Beast
ORAS UU: Lily v. Kaif
BW UU: Sabelette v. Potatochan
DPP UU: burstbean v. zioziotrip
ADV UU: Killintime v. ojr
GSC UU: Bouff v. mkizzy
RBY UU: Maris Bonibell v. SANKE CARP

/challenge gen3uu @@@ +Armaldo, +Swellow, +Zangoose, +Donphan, +Regirock, +Weezing, +Scizor, +Venusaur, +Typhlosion, +Kadabra

DEADLINE FOR ALL MATCHES IS SUNDAY MAY 19 @ 11:00 PM GMT-4! GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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After 5 hours of laddering with the ones doing ladder tour...finally got a win vs a 1200 with using only Sound-based moves

Moves used:
Meloetta - Relic Song (sleep is clutch), Hyper Voice, Alluring Voice
Skeledirge - Torch Song (your only hope vs steel types lmao..)
Kommo-o - Clangorous Soul, Clanging Scales, Boomburst
Toxtricity didnt got a chance coz lmao theres zapdos excadrill while Yanmega and Indeedee-F was just sac'd for that Kommo-o set-up sweep

Other replays that almost made me complete the golden age quest (and to see my other mons' moves:

For the golden age quest point woohoo

Let's gholdenGo girls!

Liz Angeles

I'll fake it through the day
is a Tiering Contributor
Fate/Granbull Order (4) vs Donphan Behavior (8)
SV UU: Wadley v. Career Ended - career ended is heat
SV UU: Geomancy v. zuzhouwawa - zuzhou is slightly favourted i think
SVU UU: starbitstorm v. KM - apparently sbs won w1? i thought he lost that this entire time but the sheet says otherwise. he also won last week but i think km is due a win
Ubers UU: Frito v. Suzuya - vibes
SS UU: Fluore v. zS - fluore looked like they didn't know what they were doing last week
SM UU: avarice v. Ampha - presumably ava wins
ORAS UU: Ainzcrad v. vivalospride - viv is better
BW UU: Pak v. Sanguine - pak wins unless goldcat subs in and cheeses him
DPP UU: TMM v. Corperate n - corp is better at this tier i think
ADV UU: LBN v. TyCarter - unviable tier so bolding my friend
GSC UU: Medeia v. BloodAce - apparenty medeia is 5-1
RBY UU: Fc v. pac - fc is a better pokemon player


Thorcic - Love and Thunder (6) vs (6) Sheist Wars - The Empoleon Keks Back
SV UU: Lolo v. Seraphz - both are 5-1 with kinda fraudulent records, i think seraphz has looked slightly stronger though
SV UU: HydreigonTheChild v. Azick - this is another week where like azicks brain either explodes cos htc does something weird or he completely owns, i felt like bolding htc though
SVU UU: NikeBeamz v. BlackKnight_Gawain - i don't think i've watched a single one of gawains games tbh, think nike has a slight edge but idk
Ubers UU: Rasche v. Askov - rasche is fire + askov hasn't lost yet
SS UU: JustFranco v. Leni - I was gonna predict the upset but the hater in me wouldn't allow it
SM UU: Dorron v. Metallica126 - metallica is normally solid here
ORAS UU: Hydronics v. passion - I trust passion to clutch up this week
BW UU: Denial v. Mister McLovin - denial presumably gives 0 fucks about this tour and is like 1-5 or something
DPP UU: Banbadoro v. Le Don - le don is surely favoured here
ADV UU: innovamania v. mncmt - if they rfn mence will win but i think inno will john and win
GSC UU: corvere v. Concept Everything - I feel like corvere has been doing better this tour
RBY UU: Tree69420 v. stunner047 - tbh i would've bolded tree but i'm embracing my role as the number one villain in his life rn and i thought 6-6 would be a funny outcome, idk what it means for playoff scenarios though

meganiums and azelfs matters for neither team so i'm not predicting it, gl to all the other teams except the flamigos :3


formerly BeardedDrakon
is a Tiering Contributor
LCPL Champion
Playoff path for each team

Azelfs are in because all the teams that can get to 8 points play each other. :D

If the Gholdengos win or tie they are in. If they lose they are out I believe.

Donphans in the same boat as the Gholdengos, so they need a win or a tie.

Yet another win or draw and in situation.

They need to win to make the playoffs. If both they and the Shiest Warriors win then seeding could be decided by Golden Age points.

Shiests need to win to get in. If they win 8-4 and FG order win 7-5 then golden age can decide playoff seeding.

If the Flamigos win they are in.

rip Meganium playoff chances

if I miscalculated thats an oof moment from me

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