Chat Spaces in long usernames in /rank causes the name to be cut off


Bold and Brash
What type of bug are you reporting? Chat

What is the bug?
On some computers, using /rank for a username with spaces that has more than 18 characters will truncate the user's name to 18 characters, leading letters past the 18th character to be cut off.

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
Type in "/rank FutureBeingLedian", "/rank Future Being Ledian", and "/rank F u t u r e B e i n g L e d i a n" to get the same results as the image above. I've tested on multiple browsers, both desktop and mobile and Chromium and non-Chromium and have been able to replicate the bug, but when asking other users to test the bug, some have reported the truncation while others inexplicably are able to see the full name.

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