Recent content by vodkacrazymanvc

  1. I'm ready a little early if that works for you. My ign is vodkacrazymanvc

    I'm ready a little early if that works for you. My ign is vodkacrazymanvc
  2. Sorry about the lack of clarity. I did mean 8:30am to 4:00pm. Could we do Thursday my time at 5:15pm

    Sorry about the lack of clarity. I did mean 8:30am to 4:00pm. Could we do Thursday my time at 5:15pm
  3. Hey, we matched up for the UBERSUU tournament. I'm gmt-5, can't play Fridays or Saturdays and...

    Hey, we matched up for the UBERSUU tournament. I'm gmt-5, can't play Fridays or Saturdays and 8:30 to 4:00 most days. What times work for you. Pls respond soon.
  4. Yep, I'm -4. My ign is vodkacrazymanvc

    Yep, I'm -4. My ign is vodkacrazymanvc
  5. Thursday works fine, how does 6:00 my time sound

    Thursday works fine, how does 6:00 my time sound
  6. Tournaments ADV UU Open - Round 1

    Set a message waiting on response.
  7. Does anyone like this pokemon?

    Does anyone like this pokemon?
  8. Hello

  9. Tournament Teamballo III - Player Signups (Custom Avatar Prize) [Auction Saturday 14th @ 4pm GMT+2]

    Nickname: Vodkacrazymanvc Tiers: SV monotype Timezone: -4 Foreseeable inactivity: Saturdays, weekdays 8:30-3:30