Recent content by Scarf Kricketune

  1. Scarf Kricketune

    Tournament UUBD I Player Signups

    Player Name: Scarf Kricketune Tiers Played: SV UU Timezone: GMT -5
  2. Scarf Kricketune

    On stours as Scarf Kricketune

    On stours as Scarf Kricketune
  3. Scarf Kricketune

    Tournament BDSPPL III - Week 3

    won vs 5dots, ggs
  4. Scarf Kricketune

    Official SV NU - Slowbro Suspect Voting

    Slowbro: Ban
  5. Scarf Kricketune

    thats fine

    thats fine
  6. Scarf Kricketune

    9am is perfect. See you then.

    9am is perfect. See you then.
  7. Scarf Kricketune

    Resource PU C&C Reservation List (Read OP Before Posting!)

    Requesting hazard control tatsugiri and Scarf Florges
  8. Scarf Kricketune

    Sunday 3-4pm your time?

    Sunday 3-4pm your time?
  9. Scarf Kricketune

    Hey there, BDSPPL, GMT -5. Are you avail Saturday 8-10am my time by any chance?

    Hey there, BDSPPL, GMT -5. Are you avail Saturday 8-10am my time by any chance?
  10. Scarf Kricketune

    your time

    your time
  11. Scarf Kricketune

    Thursday noon work?

    Thursday noon work?
  12. Scarf Kricketune

    how about saturday 3-4pm your time?

    how about saturday 3-4pm your time?
  13. Scarf Kricketune

    Can you play wednesday 11pm your time?

    Can you play wednesday 11pm your time?
  14. Scarf Kricketune

    Signups PUPL X - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [USE THE FORM]

    User name: Scarf Kricketune Tiers Not Played (Binding) None Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV Timezone GMT-5 Do you have any planned periods of inactivity/when? No
  15. Scarf Kricketune

    Tournament BDSPPL III - Week 2

    won vs fluore, ggs