Recent content by Buzzcut

  1. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I think the only real issue is the huge AOE stun TBH. I was thinking about it today and could see a knock back instead of a stun would require a lot more skill to use in team fights, yet still useful. I was also thinking of how some people (and Riot) hate the 0 CS support meta and was thinking...
  2. The Everything NHL Thread I love that clip. Sad to see him retire, although it's probably for the best.
  3. The Everything NFL Thread: 2011-2012 Season (plus free agency I guess)

    Negative reinforcement is removing something undesirable as a reward. You're thinking of a punishment. Not that the specific word matters. Just bothered me a bit.
  4. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    The crit chance was honestly only a problem for higher elo players because they know the matchup and can predict which champ wins a duel at what HP with what items, but they can't predict when their opponent will crit. The Ashe comparison fails when these pros know how to abuse Ashe even with...
  5. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I remember watching it and from what I'm collecting I think you're talking about Mig vs Goose. The combination did seem deadly and I'd like to see them try it again. Although Atlanta said on SOTL that he's not going to jungle...
  6. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I tried Ryze again in a custom game vs a bot and I was last hitting fine. Problem was I was derpy a few months ago. I built that once when I was getting dominated in lane and my team had no one else to tank. Instead of calling me out, why not offer a build for that situation and not tell me...
  7. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Yeah I watch a lot of streams so I know most of that, but I definitely am a bit passive and that's probably one of my problems. I think another problem is I miss CS if I don't use abilities, and I find myself going OOM if I do use abilities. And the reason I want to learn multiples of different...
  8. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Started playing GP since he's free and he is way too strong (or I've been playing really bad players). The only "bad" game I had with him was where I derped hard during laning phase and ended up building tankier than I would have liked. At the end of the game I had 4.2k HP and got Atmas so I...
  9. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Rushing Sunfire on Amumu isn't a bad idea TBH. Rushing Randuins seems pointless though. Why not just let the Heart of Gold do it's thing while you build something useful on Amumu? Force of Nature, Frozen Heart, Warmogs, Thornmail, etc... And if you're new to Amumu it's really easy to run out of...
  10. The Everything NHL Thread

    There's a theory going around that they're just using this as leverage for the new CBA. I don't really care if it is, I just want to hear a good reason for them declining the CBA so they can pretend that it wasn't their true motive.
  11. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Oh I didn't realize you can hit level 3 if you're fast enough with enough AP. I've always seen people just do red > blue and skip wolves and only be level 2. Saw a tutorial where a guy had enough time to do wolves as well, and made it to level 3. A bit more broken than I thought lol.
  12. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Not to mention Shaco's lvl 2 double buff ganks. I hope they fix that soon...
  13. Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

    If it's used in Dragunity, it's ditched for Ravine. Dragunity is the best decks at turning dead draws into pluses, so in the very rare times that you do draw both, you get a search out of it. Because bouncing FF or Ravine is broken... Two searches in a turn, with one being a card you want in...
  14. Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

    There are two train of thoughts. Yours, which is true and in my current Blackwing deck, and this: If you run two your chances of drawing it are doubled. Yes, there are times where it is useless, but that is slim to none. And in those times, what happens? You have a 1600 beater which isn't bad...
  15. Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

    Oh I didn't see you had a Trident Dragon. Two is pointless yes. A lot of the options are just filler really. I've seen a local Dragunity player rip pretty much everyone with Zephyros/Divine Wrath plays alone. The thing was, if you get rid of 6 cards you needed to add 6 cards, so a lot of the...